Mark Grey Chief of the Sentinelese Wiki

In 30 years Chief Mark Grey is now 50 years. The old Chief sits in the royal dining room eating his final bowl of meal. Sitting in front of the soup bowl is a wooden paddle. Two days ago Chief Mark Grey shut down all the schools on the island because the schools were not up to code with Chief Mark Grey's education requirements. Chief Grey addressed the despondent crowd with "Until the school admissionartion can get their act together and stop filling the children's head with incoherent nonsense, and radical ideas. Then the schools will open again." A random bystander yell out to the Chief "If the children are not allowed to ask why then are the children really learning?" The crowd becomes more rowdy "If the children can not test what they learn how do they know what is real!" Chief Grey grabs a wooden paddle and orders the Sentinelese Soldiers into the crowd to arrest the people. The Sentinelese being dragged away by the Soldiers crying out "Curiousity or death!" After the soldier attack the Sentinelese are imprisoned without a trial. The
